Facilitate changes in human and organic systems.
FACILITATION methodology to accompany groups in their internal processes, vision or purpose, consulting, team management, projects and conflicts, creativity and change
“Facilitation is the set of skills, techniques and tools to create the conditions that allow a satisfactory development of group and personal processes; both in achieving its goals and realizing its vision, and in creating a relational climate where trust and fluent, empathetic and honest communication reign”
CV Beatriz Gallego: Facilitation Trainings
- Training in Group Facilitation and Conflict Management. 2014-2016. Arnold Mindell’s Process Work with Ana Rhodes and Gill Emsile..
- Training in Dragon Dreaming, organizer of the Intro and Intensive of Madrid 2013/2014 with Julia Ramos, Luna Marcén, Elena Rodríguez and Miriam Urbano. . Dragon Dreaming
- Training in Sustainable Leadership and Facilitation of change by Ana Rodhes (See article Theory of Mindell Processes) 2013 Fundación Tomillo Open Center.(Ver artículo Teoría de Procesos de Mindell)
- Training in Deep Ecology by Joanna Macy through Ecological Self made with Patricia Cañas and Kirsty Heron from culturadelatierra.org
- Findhorn Ecovillage and Holistic Center. . www.findhorn.com Experience Week y Living in a Community has a guest 2014.
- Movement in Transition. Official Course held in 2013. www.transicionsostenible.com
- Formation of the Attention Game, Transpersonal Psychology by Marly Kuenerz.
- Training in Reiki, Vipassana Meditation and Consciousness.